The Three Object Block is the classic object viewer block used for displaying a single object. It has AR, VR, and flat 2D modes to display as. The AR feature is great for viewing avatars. I'm a big fan of the Oculus Browser's mixed reality mode support with the AR device target option in the block. Below is an example of the classic Three Object Block
Quick Three Object Block Tip
You can target the 3D container using the .wp-block-xr-publisher-three-object-block
css class.
.wp-block-xr-publisher-three-object-block canvas{
// your css here;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
The Environment Block

The Environment block is a fully immersive player focused experience that allows users to use either VR or keyboard and mouse controls to navigate more complex worlds. It has a growing list of support for open standard glTF extensions so you can build in something like the Third Room Unity Exporter to take advantage of a more fully featured 3D editor to build your main environment. This area could be though of as your walkable objects or map where you add inner blocks to populate the world.
Inner 3D Blocks
We believe strongly in an always free base set of inner blocks to populate your worlds. Here are the blocks we have so far. These will be always free and unrestricted:

3D Image Block
The Image block enables position and rotation settings for any image pulled from your media library. Support for transparency and a future update will include the ability to set external urls as the source.

3D Video Block
Similar to image, the video block enables content creators to select video assets from the Media Library to attach to a plane in 3D space. I plan to add the ability to select external urls as well as custom mesh objects to render video on. The block can be paused and played by focusing your view in the direction of the video and clicking.

3D Model Block
The model block supports adding usdz, vrm, and glb files to your environment. This block has the ability to loop animations and be set to collidable so visitors can walk on the mesh surface.

Spawn Point Block
define where your visitors land when they enter your world.

Portal Block
Enable metaverse traversal or dive deeper into your site using urls and collidable objects to trigger traversal. There are settings to control the label and positioning of the label so your visitors know where they are going. This is going to be revamped after release to bring a prompt before traversing to ensure no unintended behavior.

Text Block
Use the text block to add text content inside of your worlds. You can define a color, position, and scale of the block of text. There will be more parameters in future updates.

3D Sky Block
Wrap your world in a 360 spherical panoramic to simulate skies
Audio Block
in the name suggests, spatial or global audio will be supported via Media Library or url. For now audio can be achieved using the Third Room Unity Exporter to bundle your audio in your environment
So simply put, the Environment block is a playable experience while the classic Three Object Block is more of a viewer to display products or general 3D art or assets.